Kevin completed Julie Willoughby’s in-depth course in Pregnancy, Labour and Post Natal Massage Therapy in 2001. During his massage career he has had the privilege of massaging hundreds of women throughout their pregnancies, during labour, and post natally.
Regular massage during your pregnancy can be a great support to:
decrease back pain
reduce joint pain
improve circulation
ease oedema, swelling and discomfort in arms and legs
reduce muscle tension and headaches
lower stress and anxiety
improve oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles
aid better sleep
promote deep relaxation
support a loving and nurturing bond between mother and baby
Pregnancy massage techniques during 2nd and 3rd trimesters are received:
lying on left and right sides
left lateral tilt
– placing rolled blanket / towel or wedge under the right side,
– this prevents the uterus from pressing on the aorta or vena cava and causing Supine Hypotension Syndrome; -
Fowler’s Position
– upper section of table raises or a wedge is used to support a woman in semi sitting position,
– prevents Supine Hypotension Syndrome
We love to see the new babies in our clinic as they sleep peacefully while mum gets her massage.
Fathers also benefit from regular massage before and after the birth of their beautiful baby.